Azim Premji University - Regular Admission Cycle for 2022 Session Ongoing


Regular (March-May) Admission Cycle for admissions to Azim Premji University has started.  Azim Premji University is a private university located in Bengaluru.  The university has 5 schools and centers: School of Education, School of Development, School of Policy & Governance, School of Liberal Studies, School of Continuing Education & Univ Resource Centre. 

It offers a three-year, full-time, residential program for the following programs:    Azim Premji University 2022 Admissions
- BA in Economics
- BSc in Physics
- BSc in Biology
- BSc in Mathematics
- BA in Philosophy
- BA in English
- BA in History

Admissions are via an Entrance test followed by an interview. 

Last date to apply for the regular admission cycle is end of April  2022
The entrance exam for the regular admission cycle will be conduced in the month of May 2022 (exact date will be announced later)

Click HERE for details.

-- MEP News Bureau